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As a result of the 4th of August blast which killed more than 190 persons, wounded at least 6000 persons, and destroyed a significant part of the capital, key infrastructures in port and in the close periphery of a 3km radius were affected; more than 80,000 families have suffered significant losses and damage to their homes

  • 248,049

    People Helped

  • 9800

    # of families receiving direct cash assistance

  • 52,258

    Door to Door Assessment Completed

  • 15300

    Covid Missions Completed


What are we doing

Since the 4th of August and until the 16th of August, the LRC has provided the above-mentioned services for free to 28,000 individuals affected by the blast, in addition to providing the usual ambulance, blood and primary health services across all areas of Lebanon.

LRC has always provided independent, neutral and impartial humanitarian aid throughout its 75-year history. This means that throughout the response to this crisis, as always, LRC will always seek to provide help to the most vulnerable according to the needs and disregarding any other factor such as, but not limited to, race, gender, religion or political beliefs.

Lebanese Red Cross immediate response included
  • Treatment and transport of more than 2000 wounded
  • Evacuation of damaged hospitals
  • Distribution of more than 1200 blood units to hospitals
  • Setting up of shelters
  • Distribution of ready meals, food parcels & hygiene kits

The priority needs
we will address

LRC has geared up for a long-term response to this crisis, beyond the most immediate needs. The bulk of LRC’s efforts will be to provide direct, unconditional financial support to up to 10,000 of the most affected families. This will help the affected population to decide for themselves what their needs are, and to restore some sense of normality and dignity to them.

This effort is currently being set up and will include door to door assessments of the needs, selection of the most vulnerable affected families, distribution of aid, and then post-distribution monitoring to see what we can improve and address any challenges that will come up.

Besides direct cash support, LRC will:

  • Provide basic assistance to up to 10,000 families based on their needs for at least 3 months. This includes food parcels, hygiene kits, psychosocial support kits and shelters
  • Provide primary healthcare and medicine through 3 mobile medical units and 4 fixed primary health centers in and around the blast area
  • Support with psychosocial services and referrals
  • Provide ambulance services as necessary in the blast area but also across Lebanon, as well as to help respond to the ongoing COVID19 crisis
  • Collect blood units and distribute them to hospitals
  • Restore its contingency stocks, repair its damaged infrastructure, in order to regain its readiness to respond rapidly to any new crisis
LRC will continue assessing the needs throughout the response, monitoring its intervention, and adjusting its response accordingly in order to do the most good for the largest number of persons, and with full transparency towards the public.
Since the start of the COVID19 crisis, LRC has transported more than 3,695 confirmed or suspected cases

How you can help

Lebanon has 4 overlapping crises now: the aftermath of the 4th of August explosion, the COVID19 crisis, the economic crisis and the Syrian refugee crisis. The LRC is impacted by all of these, even though the focus is now on the 4th of August explosion and its repercussions.

LRC will therefore need all of the help that it can get. To ensure that our efforts are optimized and that our response objectives can be achieved, you will find below a list of our main needs. For all items on this list, we can provide detailed lists and specifications. We will regretfully not be able to accept so that we can tailor your contributions to the needs of the beneficiaries and the capacities and missions of LRC.

For your IN-KIND donations

We only need the items listed below and will only accept contributions that are coordinated with LRC in advance via
  • Food parcels (for families of 5 for 15 days)
  • Hygiene kits (as above)
  • Psychsocial support kits
  • Supplies for blood donations (blood bags and reagents)
  • Chronic disease medicine
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, water mattresses…
  • Ambulances (only according to LRC standards)
  • Ambulance equipment
  • Mobile Medical Units
  • Pick-up trucks and passenger vans for the transfer of people and goods
  • Power generators and light towers
For all in-kind donations, you should reach out to LRC in advance, and we will share with you the detailed specifications/content and the process through which to make the donation
When we receive unsolicited in-kind donations which we do not need, we will either regrettably not take reception of the goods, or donate them in turn to another NGO which could make good use of them

How your contributions will be used

All listed services that the LRC provides are free of charge, through its network of 8000+ volunteers and members, supported by 400+ staff members:

We are funded by donations received from governments, institutions, organisations, companies, and most importantly individuals like you in Lebanon and throughout the world.
Financial donations that we receive for this crisis will be used as follows:

  • 80% of the donation towards direct aid to the most affected, mainly via direct financial support to up to 10,000 families
  • 20% of the donation will go towards supporting the activities and services listed above (e.g. ambulance services, blood transfusion, food parcels, primary health…), unless otherwise specified
All donations for this crisis response will go into a single Beirut Port Explosion Fund which will be used for crisis response over the next weeks and months, and LRC will provide regular updates and reports on its overall response across all social media platforms.

We thank you in advance for supporting
LRC’s crisis response efforts!