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LRC Response Objectives

One of the main roles of the Lebanese Red Cross (LRC) is to prepare for and respond to emergencies, disasters and crisis. To do that effectively in the current context following the Beirut Port Explosion, the LRC has developed a set of response objectives which are listed and explained below.

Response objective 1

Provide at least 10,000 of the most vulnerable families affected by Beirut Port explosion with direct financial assistance for at least 7 months

This is the core of LRC’s response to the Beirut Port explosion in the current response phase. It consists of giving out 300 USD per month (in USD) to a minimum of 10,000 families, for 7 months. The total cost will be 22 million USD, out of which 21 million USD are given to families directly, and 1 million is for banking fees (ATM cards, loading of cards, replacement of cards…), and operational costs (fuel, training, hotline operation, uniforms for volunteers…).

Should LRC be able to obtain more funding, the direct financial assistance will be extended in one or more of the following ways:

  • Extend the duration of the support by 1 or 2 months
  • Provide longer-term financial assistance to 2,000 vulnerable families for 12 months
  • Provide rehabilitation and livelihood assistance to 4000 families (one shot)

Response objective 2

Provide primary health and mental health services to population affected by Beirut blast

LRC operates 4 fixed primary health centers and 3 mobile clinics in and around the blast area. In these centers, LRC provides free medical consultations and medications to all beneficiaries. LRC also provides psychosocial support and referrals.

Response objective 3

Implement a detailed needs analysis with at least 20,000 households in the affected area

LRC has already implemented an emergency needs assessment for more than 30,000 households. LRC is now preparing to initiate a much more detailed needs assessment, which would allow it to better target aid during the next 9 months.

In addition to these objectives, LRC has a responsibility and mandate to continue responding to other crisis and provide its regular services:

Response objective 4

Continue Responding to the COVID19 missions (suspected and confirmed).

Response objective 5

Maintain current levels of regular EMS response.

Response objective 6

Provide 50,000+ safe blood units per 12 months to hospitals

Response objective 7

Maintain current level of response to Syrian refugee crisis

Response objective 8

Continue organizational development efforts to scale up LRC capacity to respond to ongoing and future crisis